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Homo-Harvest 1 & 2

Jason Jenn co-produced & co-hosted a series of LGBTQ performance art evenings at Spirit Studio in Silverlake with Ian MacKinnon.

Co-host Jason Jenn as Harvest Man at left presenting his story of Greek culture hero Aristaeus and the Disappearance of the Bees

HOMO-HARVEST offered up two nights of the freshest, hottest Los Angeles underground LGBTQ performance art in 2013 & 2014.  They contained a mix of dance, ritual, music, spoken word, video art, fantastic costumes, and even interactive tasting ceremonies – centered around themes of food, nature, sexuality, and a celebration of all things autumnal. It served up a pagan-friendly atmosphere, complete with scantily clad satyrs, glitter make-up & manicure station, a queer cornucopia community altar, & cruisy fire pit. Jason Jenn served as the co-host "Harvest-Man", walking on stilts throughout the evening wearing bronze glittery body makeup and autumnal draping. Throughout the shows during particular act changes, food was served to the audience by the crew - cultivating in a sensuous liquid chocolate human fountain for guests to drink from at the end of the production.

In 2013 Jenn opened the variety show with a story about the difference between Heaven and Hell, in which the assembled crew members fed the audience with grapes while he sang his original song "Feast of Love."

In 2014 Jenn told the story of “Aristaeus and the Disappearance of the Bees” in two parts. Part One was an introduction to the role of the Greek demi-god Aristaeus, the world’s first farmer (played by the recent Gay Games Wrestling Gold Medal winner Eli Rarey). In one of the Greek myths, Aristaeus discovers the bees in his hives are dead, so seeks out the advice of the god Proteus for answers. In Part Two he ventures to the prophetic god Proteus (played by Robert Patrick Playwright) and wrestles the shapeshifting god for answers to save the bees. It proves to be much harder than it looked, as the god shapeshifts into the form of various beasts - like a jaguar, a giant eagle, and a fierce dragon (played by Julio Levya, Hunter Wells, and Atasiea).

Photo gallery below from both years by Gregory Frye

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